Yo Wassap

CRank: 5Score: 5140

Yeah althouh this was posted a year ago it's still cool

my brother might look into this

6468d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This news for some reason has suddenly made me feel so racist that i will now take a relaxing bath and then a cool shower

6469d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks great but will it play great, that's my only gripe with fifa

6471d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Very atmospheric, this is another game i'll be looking out for when it's released

6471d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What annoys me is that people create a barrier between graphics and gameplay. Sure they can opperate by themselves but they need eachother to make a game reallly stand out. After all a more realistic looking game helps create a more emersive atmosphere which in turn aids the gameplay. If a game has unparalleled gameplay but really crap graphics the gameplay is dragged down and reduced from what it was. What's true is that next gen games should be able to supply both with huge advancements...

6471d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sounds good.
For some reason the visuals don't blow me away. Now that's not because i'm a PS3 fan because i'm not (check the comments i've made, and i have a 360) it's because of the little details around the facial area and the bodies. I however am very hard to please so i probably will have to wait for the gen after this to recieve what i really want.

Anyway sounds good and i'm looking forward to it

6474d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is going to be one hell of a game, that video was amazing.

6478d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah i asked for propper damage in PGR3 and 4 and i was flamed out of the roof by the people there. They called me a burnout freak so don't expect realistic damage in the project gotham racing series ever.

6482d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i was just saying that it doesn't sell as well, not that it doesn't sell. Of course it will sell it just won't be as bigger hit as in japan. Anyway i haven't any problems with the games.

There so what's the point of getting angry?

6483d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What makes this game look interesting it the style, i don't think that i've ever seen a game in that style before.

By the looks of things this will be a big hit in Japan.

6483d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now let's get this sorted out. Halo 3 somehow implies that Micro$oft is desperate? Look c'mon guys let's raise the bar here and start talking about the game not the consoles.

and a private reply to 'horse piss':
Munky was just making a comment but you went out of your way to insult him as possible. Of course you are going to be attacked back so don't bother it just takes you closer to being banned.

6483d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol the idea wouldn't be that bad if they had put more detail into the game looks wise. When you think about it how many games are there where you are in a big city fighting giant ants?

6483d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it's a good inexpensive, innovative console which will sell very well in Japan. I just wonder how people will react to it in say Europe where many of the game styles adopted by Ninty are not as popular. This will sell well but maybe not as well as they predict, i probably stand to be corrected though.

6483d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i hope 3rd party damage is included. Like a person is racing another guy when he blazes across a crossroads. At the same time another race with the same point is going on, the cars then crash into eachother if they don't look. That would set this game apart from any other on the planet, meh but it'll never happen (well not yet).

6483d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game is indeed very well executed from what i've seen so far, i just wish that they don't pull a blank when we actually buy the game.

6483d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There's just too much to be made by developing for both systems, that's why sony is losing titles. Not because it is an inferior console it's just that the 360 is popular enough to make developers think whether they'll make more money on two systems as opposed to one.

That said the evening of titles can easily prove the similarities between the consoles

6483d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course you can be wrong, you probably won't be though...

...i'll reserve judgement 'till later

6486d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well halo 2 (although not a brilliant game) reputably made $120,000,000 on the first day which equals that. I think that the sales dropped dramatically afterwards though because almost everybody who wanted it had bought it.

6492d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this was kind of posted about 15 news stories down on this site, maybe a look might have helped

6492d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If it was pre-rendered then it was some pretty shoddy work, the pysics looked good and realistic but the characters were definately not spectacular. What they might have done it taken the game engine and used it to create a movie clip which had been pre-rendered using the game engine.

6492d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment